Medicine & Food.

Fully automated generators.

We adapt the generators to run clean rooms, cooling rooms and freezers, so that both hygiene and control can be maintained even when the power goes out.

To develop and produce medicine and food is a very important way to keep humans healthy. This business is often completely dependent on power, not only in production, but above all for the storage of ingredients, produced food and maybe reference samples. What happens, for example, if all the refrigerators and freezers turn off? What happens with production? What are the economic consequences? How will it affect the future of the business? How does it affect the environment when the food cannot be kept cold or frozen?

We build fully automated backup power systems that will secure your business and insures you against costly power outages if / when an accident occurs and you are suddenly left without power. We also offer advantageous services and security agreements for our backup power systems.

Related generators for medicine and food.

Containerbyggt elverk från PWR Power Reservkraftsbyggarna
Inbyggt reservkraftverk PWR Power från Reservkraftsbyggarna.

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