Alf Ericson Elektriska AB.
Alf Ericson Elektriska AB.
The company Alf Ericson Elektriska AB was founded in 1962, they develop and install power and lighting systems as well as power supply systems. They are a complete power company with expertise in areas such as telecommunications, data and alarms. The company has approximately 60 employees and operates in the Gothenburg area. When one of their clients, Santa Maria, the largest seasoning company in the Nordic countries, was in need of a large diesel generator, project manager Lars Andersson came in contact with PWR Power Reservkraftsbyggarna.
Did you already know about the company?
No, we got quotes from a few different companies to see what the market had to offer.
What made you choose Reservkraftsbyggarna?
Already at an early stage we thought that they understood what we were after. They had a serious commitment from the first moment until the project was finished. There were no dips towards the end, which are common, their interest was always there to get the project finished on time. You can tell that they are passionate about what they do. Of course we also fell for the quality and the competitive price.
Who was responsible for the project?
We had the main responsibility for the project, but many parts of it were done together with Reservkraftsbyggarna. They took care of the installation on their own.
Would you consider recommending Reservkraftsbyggarna for future projects?
Yes, I would