Onsala Space Observatory.

An institution linked to Chalmers University of Technology that has taken the help of PWR Power Reservkraftsbyggarna is Onsala Space Observatory, located about 5 mil south of Gothenburg. They take care of the Swedish National Facility for Radio Astronomy. This research is at the highest level with super sensitive receivers and advanced measuring instruments. The institute already has two backup generators that were in need of a major update, since the amount of electronics, refrigeration and sensitive receivers has increased significantly in recent years. One of the technicians behind the upgrade project was Lars Wennerbäck.

Why did you decide to work with Reservkraftsbyggarna?
At a fairly early stage, we got a recommendation from an electrician who previously collaborated with Reservkraftsbyggarna. He told me that they had a good reputation and they were easy to work with. And we are happy to cooperate with parties that have a good reputation. After that we contacted Reservkraftsbyggarna.

Did you have a clear idea of what you were after?
Yes, we had a pretty clear idea of what we needed in terms of performance, backup and power.

What were your thoughts on Reservkraftsbyggarna?
When they were here on a visit we already knew that their thoughts and ideas were similar to ours. It also felt safe to know that they could offer fast service support, if something were to go wrong. They simply had the skills and the network that we were looking for.

What changes did Reservkraftsbyggarna make?
They came up with a variety of solutions both in terms of engine heaters and functional accessories. Since we are located a bit far away, they made sure to install a larger fuel tank because we do not want to have to refill it three times a day if there is a longer power outage.

Can you give an example of how you would be affected by a sudden power outage?
Our big Radome of 30 meters in diameter needs constant excess pressure in windy conditions or during a storm. In case of a possible voltage drop, the canvas can be damaged. This is one of many reasons why we are in need of a fully functioning generator.

How did the project go?
Good, we are no longer in a pickle. We have now secured the backup power to ensure that it covers and protects several units in our business. If one generator happens to shut down for some reason, we can easily switch over from one to the other.

Can you afford not to invest?

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